Having 8 kids isn't crazy, it's an adventure!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Luke is 1!

I can't believe a whole year has gone by since Luke was born.  My labor with him was my longest, by far, and also one of my easiest.  At least until the introduction of pitocin.  Even though Luke started out at a mere 3 lb 1 oz, he has grown to a whopping 16 lb 8 oz!  Not bad for only 12 months time :)  Luke has been such a sweet addition to our family.  He is pretty easy going, and loves his siblings.  One big bump in the road was reflux.  Thankfully after we started on Zantac he was like a new baby.  He still wanted to be held a lot, but at least he wasn't screaming and screaming nonstop.  Luke has discovered quite a few fun tricks in the last month.  He squeals, says ba ba ba ba and then looks at you and waves, when he is hungry he smacks his high chair with his hand until I come feed him, and if he wants to nurse he pats my leg, arm, face, whatever is closest to get my attention before he gets verbal about his needs.  He also started a cute new face.  He scrunches up his nose and eyes and smiles really big.  It is adorable!  So, what kind of celebratin do you have for one so adorable? A bear party of course!  And, I turned to Pinterest for help.  We did have a last minute change of venue to my Mom's house, but all in all it was a fun family party.  All the cousins came to play and celebrate with us :)  Here is a picture of the cute cookies I made from a pin I found, and the cupcakes I adapted from some monkey cupcakes that we made for my cousin's baby shower. 

The kids all loved them, and they were really easy.  I used cookie icing for the bear's eyes and mouth.  It hardened and kept its shape really well.  Luke loved being sung to, but skipped the birthday cupcakes in favor of some play time.  I must say I wasn't to hurt that he didn't want cupcakes!  He did munch on some Cheerios while everyone else ate cake and ice cream.  What a great way to celebrate the blessing of our littlest man's first year!