Having 8 kids isn't crazy, it's an adventure!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A normal day?

      I'm a 24 hour a day, seven days a week, no vacations mom.  What exactly does that mean?!?  Well for me, it's that I know my morning coffee is not negotiable because without it I won't be able to function. It means that I am up for middle of the night feedings at 12:30, 2:30, 4:30, 5:30 and drinking my first cup of coffee at 6:00 and I keep running until I start the whole thing over again.  It means I get to be the one who kisses boo boos and make them better, and cheer and clap for all of these amazing small people who make my days so worth all the sleepless nights.  Ok, I focus a lot on sleep right now, but that's just because I am in the middle of no sleep with a 3 mth old, 1mth old adjusted age, more than I spend my nights sleeping. 

     Tonight in fact is one of those crazy nights. Luke normally starts a marathon feeding session that lasts from around 7 until 10.  Yep, almost 3 straight hours of nursing.  And, no he doesn't sleep longer because of it.  Usually he is up every 2 hours all night long.  Tonight however, I fed him, smiled and sat in awe of how precious a blessing he is to me, and watched him fall asleep at 9:00.  I am a gun shy mom, who was not about to let herself be faked out again by the "I'm falling asleep early" bit.  So, now here I sit at 11:00 knowing I should have bit the bullet and gone to sleep.  Of course, I can't do that now because he should be waking up at any moment to eat again. This is my day. And no mater how little sleep my days may bring, I wouldn't have it any other way.  That's my normal.

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