Having 8 kids isn't crazy, it's an adventure!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Time To Get Organized!

     With 8 children, a schedule of sorts is a must.  My life quickly becomes one big game of crowd control and nonstop damage control when I have no schedule.  My schedule has been up in arms since Luke came.  My neatly planned out day with charts and chore charts and menu plans sit covered in dust waiting to be revived and used.  I need to get them out and get back on a schedule.  All I have to do is look around and see the list of "things to do" getting longer and longer.  For instance, right now I am sitting here with cloth diapers needing stuffed and put in baskets, and my living room and toy room needing vacuumed.  But for now I'm sitting and enjoying the quiet.  I'm savoring that my early morning devotions and bible time have refreshed me for a new day,  and sipping one last cup of coffee before the thundering of little feet hit the steps.  This is the key to my day going much more smoothly.  My bible time and a cup of coffee with the Lord makes my days seem so much more manageable.  Did I mention the quiet?  Very few times in this house is it quiet.  I love the sounds of children playing, the busy hum of activity that is our daily life, but these few moments of quiet give me a chance to refresh before the day gets busy.  I need a schedule, but I don't want my schedule to rule me, just give me a place to run to and know what I need to get done.  I need organization, and I love checking off my to do list. Right now, my day is ready to start, lists ready, and schedule ready to guide me.

     And so my day begins.  I hear Lia singing her mommy song, and the thud thud thud of Levi as he slides down the steps and comes running to give me a good morning hug.  These are the important things.  Hugs, songs, laughter, and joy.  Yes my schedule is important, but if I miss the oportunity to enjoy these moments because of my schedule then I am missing out on the best parts of being a mom.

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