Having 8 kids isn't crazy, it's an adventure!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

So Far So Good!

I finally got my menus completed for our 30 day challenge of no fast food and making homemade meals.  I want grocery shopping yesterday, and it is amazing how little of my time was spent in the middle isles of the store!  My cart was pretty full, but the Koshi cereal was on clearance!  $2.01 for a box of cereal that I can feel good about the kids eating is a must buy, especially for the days when we have to be out the door early or when someone sleeps past 7:30AM.  The kids know breakfast time ends at 8:00AM sharp, one time of missing breakfast because of sleeping in, and they make sure to be up and ready. 

So, today I started off the day at 5:00AM, fed little man, and came down to make muffins.  I realized had all the ingredients for the perfect muffin, but lacked the recipe to make said muffins.  I searched and found something good, but I had to tweak.  No more refined sugar and cutting the amount in half, adding in whole oat flour, and using butter and coconut oil in place of vegetable oil.  It was close to bakery style, and I can't imagine adding all the sugar plus using a crumb topping!  I did sprinkle raw sugar crystals on the tops and it gave the muffins a pretty shine.  I think next time they'll be even better!  I also plan to try baked oatmeal cups.  Muffin shaped oatmeal will make for tasty snacks and quick breakfast on the go.  I love how my whole way of thinking about food is changing.  I can see the lost art of cooking good wholesome meals being found, and I really love it!  I think Satan has done a serious number on our culture.  The joy of home cooked food brings a warmth to the house, it smells divine in here!  Not to mention the added health benefits.  I was going to wait until tomorrow to start the 30 day challenge, but we are off and running today!  More potato canning, sorting through clothes, and soccer games are on the agenda. It looks to be a beautiful day.

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